Guided Tours
South Campus 1234 Apple Avenue, New York City, NY, United StatesMaecenas leo nisi, efficitur at felis sit amet, lacinia auctor quam. Aliquam euismod pretium mattis. Aenean sollicitudin orci non orci gravida ullamcorper. Duis utres odios pellentesque, efficiturs odio vitae, aliquams arcu. Sed pulvinar lacus at neque imperdiet lobortis. Phasellus eget lectus rutrum, fringilla nibh ut, convallis orci.
Christmas Eve and Pageant Service
Huguenot Memorial Church 901 Pelhamdale Avenue, Pelham, NYPlease see this pdf for information about the 70th Annual pageant!
Family Service Night
Huguenot Memorial Church 901 Pelhamdale Avenue, Pelham, NYPlease join us for Huguenot Memorial Church’s Animal Rights Awareness night. We will prepare animal hospitality kits for animals in local shelters. Please
Worship Service
Join us at 10:00 am for worship service in the Sanctuary.
Friday Fellowship at the Big Manse
On the 2nd Friday of each month from 7-9 pm Paul and Kathy Seelman cordially invite all Huguenot members and friends to an open house at the
Sunday Worship
Huguenot Memorial Church 901 Pelhamdale Avenue, Pelham, NYHuguenot Cabaret
Huguenot Memorial Church 901 Pelhamdale Avenue, Pelham, NYThis year’s Huguenot Cabaret, which will be held Saturday, April 21st, promises to be yet another great community event with show-stopping numbers, hors d’oeuvres, buffet dinner and a silent auction full of treasures. The Huguenot Cabaret features 50+ singers and musicians (Huguenot church members as well as long-time friends of the Cabaret), and Master of Ceremonies George Bischof. Musical numbers include rock & roll, a cappella and Broadway show classics. There’s something for everyone at the Huguenot Cabaret! Last year's show sold out early; be on the lookout for your invitation in March.
Huguenot 5k Run
Join us for the annual Huguenot run! Details to follow...