Committees 2018-03-26T21:39:48+00:00


Huguenot committees play an integral role in the life of the church, and offer an excellent opportunity for those looking to get involved in the Huguenot community. Please read below for information about the work of each committee. For more information or to learn how you can get involved with one of these committees, please contact the church office.


Purpose: to provide oversight and nurture for regular and special services of worship that will inspire and lead the people of God in joyful, committed response to God’s love in Jesus Christ, through scripture, exposition, music, prayer, sharing, and the administration of the Sacraments.


Purpose: to provide study and action opportunities that support the congregation’s involvement in a Christian witness to the larger community and world beyond Huguenot Church. Responsibilities are focused on two primary emphases: (a) meeting local and world-wide needs through participation in voluntary assistance activities and projects within Westchester County (e.g. “HOPE Soup Kitchen”) and beyond, whereby each member is encouraged to serve as time, energy, and skills permit; (b) engaging in social witness to the Gospel through teaching, study, discussion, and active engagement, in order to raise the consciousness and activity level of the congregation with respect to the pressing social issues of our time (e.g. peacemaking, social justice, human rights, criminal justice, hunger, gun control, etc.).


Purpose: to oversee matters related to the financial life and health of Huguenot Church; work with the Treasurer and Business Manager to accomplish the necessary fiscal operations of the Church, including preparing and presenting to Session an annual operating budget and securing an annual audit; managing the Church’s investments/endowment in a prudent and accountable manner.


Purpose: to educate, encourage, and challenge the congregation to effectively and properly utilize of all of their God-given resources (time, talent, money, etc.) for the building up of the Church as the Body of Christ as the demonstration of the Kingdom of God on earth; conduct an annual pledge campaign under advisement of the Session.


Purpose: to develop and supervise the total educational program of the Church, from nursery through adult, including its youth ministry programs and Confirmation/Commissioning Class. It is recognized that the Bible is the basic textbook of the Church, providing the primary teaching material for its educational program. Christian education takes place in a variety of settings. The Session is responsible for the provision of space and equipment. It shall confirm the choice and appointment of all persons who are to serve in the educational program as teachers and child care volunteers. The Session also approves the curriculum and educational programs planned by the Christian Education Committee.


Purpose: to foster a strong, vibrant and growing Huguenot community. The M&F Committee achieves this goal through three general areas of effort:
1. Raising awareness of Huguenot: through publicity, social media, the Huguenot website and other communications vehicles, this committee seeks to ‘tell the Huguenot story’, and thus encourage new visitors/members.

2. Growing the Huguenot community: in conjunction with the Pastor, other staff, and appropriate church committees, M&F helps organize a variety of programs and efforts designed to welcome visitors and encourage their affiliation with Huguenot Church, including the New Member Orientation process, and enabling potential new members to participate in relevant church events, mission and ministries.

3. Strengthening the Huguenot community: this committee aims to keep Huguenot members engaged through a variety of communications and fellowship efforts. These include supporting the Huguenot Weekly email newsletter, updating the website, and using other online and offline vehicles that help members discover and participate in the myriad programs and activities at Huguenot. Fellowship efforts include both congregation-wide events (the annual ski-trip, the spring picnic, the Huguenot mixer, etc.) and supporting smaller group gatherings (the mothers of young children’s group, etc.).


Purpose: maintain the Huguenot Church property and facilities in a safe, healthful, and attractive condition for the overall mission and program of the Church. The Buildings and Grounds Committee is committed to enhancing our property and facilities with an emphasis on energy efficiency and proactive environmental stewardship.


Purpose: as a constitutionally-defined committee of the congregation, its purpose it is to identify and nominate, for election by the congregation, persons for the offices of Elder and Deacon.


Purpose: to provide support and to determine accountability for each member of the Huguenot Church staff; conduct annual performance reviews for each staff member and offer confidential counsel when needed.


Purpose: Huguenot Nursery School is a private, non-profit preschool, founded by Huguenot Memorial Church to provide a quality nursery school program for Pelham and its surrounding communities. The school is non-sectarian and is open to all. Members of Huguenot Memorial Church and siblings of children with prior attendance are given priority in admissions. The school is governed by a Board of Managers, which is a Committee of the Session of Huguenot Memorial Church. Learn more about Huguenot Nursery School.

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